Title: Integration of wind-generating units into the Corsican electrical grid: determination of the maximal integration rate from a reliability analysis based on a stochastic process
Authors: P. Poggi, M. Muselli, C. Cristofari
Addresses: Universite de Corse, SPE UMR CNRS 6134, Vignola, Route des Sanguinaires – F 20000 AJACCIO, France. ' Universite de Corse, SPE UMR CNRS 6134, Vignola, Route des Sanguinaires – F 20000 AJACCIO, France. ' Universite de Corse, SPE UMR CNRS 6134, Vignola, Route des Sanguinaires – F 20000 AJACCIO, France
Abstract: This paper investigates the potentiality of Wind Electric Conversion Systems (WECS) integrated into the islander electrical grid of Corsica. Probabilistic models for WECS and their use in the reliability studies of combined wind electric and conventional generation systems are discussed. The method, based on the evaluation of the Loss of Load Probability (LOLP), uses a Markov model applied to the output power of |classical| units and WECS, and to the hourly electrical energy demand. Then the margin state (the difference between grid total capacity state and load state) and its associated probability are computed to allow determination of the LOLP. So, the limit of the WECS power that can be supported by the grid is estimated. This study has been realised for the total thermal capacity installed in the grid and various ranges of WECS. Furthermore, we study the energetic balance on the grid with this wind farm and the benefit regarding gas emissions induced by this system.
Keywords: wind electric conversion systems; WECS; grid connection; integration; renewable energy; Markov process; wind energy; wind power; Italy; Corsica; reliability analysis; electrical grid; gas emissions.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNGEE.2008.017355
International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, 2008 Vol.2 No.1, pp.63 - 81
Published online: 01 Mar 2008 *
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