Title: Catching-up from way behind: lessons for India
Authors: Pradosh Nath
Addresses: National Institute of Science, Technology, and Development Studies (NISTADS), K. S. Krishnan Road, New Delhi 110012, India
Abstract: Japan and South Korea have shown that it is possible to catch-up with the developed country; and also in a short time span of a decade. Technological innovation is the core of catch-up. Both the countries have followed economic policies around the core of a technological policy that aimed at developing competitiveness in the international market. The present article reviews the achievement of both Japan and South Korea in the light of their respective technology-related policies. When compared with India, it is found that India had more or less similar policies but derived different results. The article evaluates the match and mis-match of the policies to draw lessons for India.
Keywords: catch-up lessons; Japan; Korea; technology policy; economic policy; India; technological innovation; competitiveness.
DOI: 10.1504/IJICBM.2008.017791
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, 2008 Vol.1 No.3, pp.360 - 376
Published online: 13 Apr 2008 *
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