Title: Antarctica: a southern hemisphere wind power station?
Authors: Alexander A. Bolonkin, Richard Brook Cathcart
Addresses: C and R, 1310 Avenue R, Suite 6-F, Brooklyn, NY 11229, USA. ' Geographos 1300 West Olive Avenue, Suite M, Burbank, CA 91506, USA
Abstract: The International Polar Year commences in 2007. We offer a macro-project plan to generate a large amount of electricity on the continent of Antarctica by using sail-like wind dams incorporating air turbines. Electricity can be used to make exploration and exploitation efforts easier on Antarctica. We offer the technical specifications for the Fabric Aerial Dam and indicate some of the geographical facts underpinning our macro-engineering proposal.
Keywords: fabric aerial dams; Antarctica; Antarctic seabirds; ice anchors; katabatic winds; wind power generation; wind energy; electricity generation; wind dams; air turbines.
DOI: 10.1504/IJGENVI.2008.018641
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 2008 Vol.8 No.3, pp.262 - 273
Published online: 03 Jun 2008 *
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