Title: Performance assessment of a 5 kW SOFC cogeneration fuel cell
Authors: S. Lerson, J.L. Lilien, G. Minne
Addresses: University of Liege, Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy, B28, 4000 Liege, Belgium. ' University of Liege, Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy, B28, 4000 Liege, Belgium. ' University of Liege, Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy, B28, 4000 Liege, Belgium
Abstract: The performance of a 5 kW Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) will be studied and described in this paper. This will help to significantly reduce residential Green House Gas (GHG) emission to about 20%, when compared with the actual emissions, based on the high-performance boiler and electricity produced by high-efficiency combined cycle. The particular benefit of SOFC, when compared with other technologies of fuel cell, is the high temperature from one side (giving access to appropriate hot water for heating purposes) and the very exciting high electricity efficiency, which is over 40%, together with a global efficiency measuring over 80%.
Keywords: fuel cells; cogeneration; solid oxide fuel cells; SOFC; performance; energy efficiency; 5 kW; residential; decentralised production; greenhouse gas emissions.
DOI: 10.1504/IJETM.2008.019463
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management, 2008 Vol.9 No.4, pp.426 - 433
Published online: 12 Jul 2008 *
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