Title: A simple model for the assessment of air quality in streets
Authors: Clemens Mensink, Nicolas Lewyckyj
Addresses: VITO, Centre for Remote Sensing and Atmospheric Processes, Boeretang, 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium. VITO, Centre for Remote Sensing and Atmospheric Processes, Boeretang, 200, B-2400 Mol, Belgium
Abstract: An analytical model has been developed to calculate pollutant concentrations in a street. The concentration in the street is determined from a flux balance between the horizontal convective flux, the diffusive vertical flux and a continuous road transport emission source. The Prandtl-Taylor hypothesis is used to describe vertical turbulent mass transport. The model includes wind direction dependency, but does not necessarily assume re-circulation of the flow in the street canyon. The model was applied for ten streets in the City of Antwerp, Belgium and for the Podbielskistrasse in Hannover, Germany. Benzene concentrations obtained in the streets of Antwerp show a reasonable agreement with measured concentrations, provided that observed vehicle numbers are used and that the correct background concentrations and meteorological conditions are taken into account by the model.
Keywords: ir pollution modelling; road transport emissions; street canyons; benzene; carbon monoxide (CO); nitrogen oxides (NO2).
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2001 Vol.27 No.1/2/3/4, pp.242-250
Published online: 15 Aug 2003 *
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