Title: Organisational training and development in the European context: a longitudinal comparative study among 18 European countries
Authors: Irene Nikandrou, Eleni Apospori, Nancy Papalexandris
Addresses: Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Marketing and Communication, 76 Patission St., 104 34 Athens, Greece. ' Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Marketing and Communication, 76 Patission St., 104 34 Athens, Greece. ' Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Marketing and Communication, 76 Patission St., 104 34 Athens, Greece
Abstract: This paper examines the changes that have taken place, in 18 European countries, in the area of organisational training and development during the decade of the 1990s. We examine whether a trend towards more similarities (convergence) in training aspects exists in Europe and we hypothesise that the changes are in a direction that brings more peripheral countries closer to a cluster of countries, reducing overall differences between clusters over the last decade. We have used the Cranet data of 1995 and 1999, collected through surveys by the Cranfield network on European Human Resource Management, comparing 18 countries and 27 common indicators.
Keywords: comparative HRM; human resource management; convergence; divergence; European HRM; training; human resources development; HRD; Europe.
European Journal of International Management, 2008 Vol.2 No.3, pp.309 - 332
Published online: 22 Jul 2008 *
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