Title: An HLLC scheme for Ten-Moments approximation coupled with magnetic field
Authors: Afeintou Sangam
Addresses: CNRS, Institut de Mathematiques de Bordeaux, Universite Bordeaux 1, UMR 5251, 351, Cours de la Liberation, 33405, Talence Cedex, France; CNRS, CEA, Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications, Universite Bordeaux 1, UMR 5107, 351, Cours de la Liberation, 33405 Talence Cedex, France
Abstract: We address here an HLLC approximate Riemann solver for the Ten-Moments equations coupled with magnetic field production equation. This new extension HLLC-Riemann solver for Ten-Moments approximation is positivity preserving, resolves exactly isolated 1-shock and 5-shock waves, captures exactly material contact discontinuities. This solver enables us to discretise accurately the hyperbolic part of our magnetic field generation model. The full underlying model consists of Ten-Moments equations for the electron distribution function coupled with the magnetic field evolution equation. Its numerical approximation can predict self-generated magnetic fields, that play a crucial role in laser-plasma interactions in the context of Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF).
Keywords: plasma; self-generated magnetic fields; laser-plasma interactions; inertial confinement fusion; ICF; ten-moments approximation; conservation laws; hyperbolic systems; approximate Riemann solver; HLLC; electron distribution function.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCSM.2008.019724
International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics, 2008 Vol.2 No.1/2, pp.73 - 109
Published online: 25 Jul 2008 *
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