Title: Analysis of efficiency of lean production implemented in multi-national optic enterprises
Authors: Ben-Jeng Wang
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, Tunghai University, No. 181, Sec. 3, Taichung Harbor Road, Taichung 407, Taiwan, ROC
Abstract: In accompany with globalisation, competitions witnessed in the business environment have become more and more fierce. The hi-tech Original Equipment Manufacture (OEM) companies in Taiwan have confronted with diminishing profits. With low profit, these companies not only need to produce products with competitive price but also need to meet the necessary conditions, namely high quality, low cost, fast delivery and safety. Lean production is an intellectual approach which can bring about a lean and competitive state in company. Lean production has been implemented successfully all over the world, and the adopters achieved improved performance. Therefore, this study selected a multi-national company from Taiwan|s optics industry as our subject to analyse the efficiency of implementation of lean production in different factories of this company and also to investigate whether the efficiency of lean production implemented in different factories was affected by differences in organisational culture.
Keywords: efficiency; inventory; organisational culture; just-in-time; JIT; lean production; manufacturing processes; multinational enterprises; MNEs; optics industry; original equipment manufacturers; hi-tech OEMs; in Taiwan; multinational companies; MNCs.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2008 Vol.43 No.4, pp.304 - 319
Published online: 30 Sep 2008 *
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