Title: Evaluating innovation in higher education teaching and learning to improve quality: an experience of blended learning at the Universita Roma Tre
Authors: Antonella Poce
Addresses: Department of Educational and Teaching Planning, Universita Roma Tre, Via della Madonna dei Monti 40, 00184, Rome, Italy
Abstract: Why are the effects of the innovative practices in higher education teaching and learning activities worth evaluating? As it seems higher education is no longer able to carry out ambitious objectives, if it uses only traditional tools. The present contribution regards the analysis of the impact of a particular innovative way of teaching, a blended learning experience that is performed at the Universita Roma Tre (Italia). The study, carried out by a research unit at the Department of Educational Sciences, is part of a national project that was funded by the government (a Project of National Relevant Interest or PRIN), which aimed to define the role of e-learning within higher education environments. In the framework, the Universita Roma Tre has developed its own inquiry, carrying out an experiment in the Experimental Pedagogy and Measurement module of the Faculty of Primary Education.
Keywords: higher education; innovation; change; flexibility; evaluation; teaching; e-learning; blended learning; interaction; teaching quality; learning quality; online learning; Italy; experimental pedagogy.
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, 2008 Vol.4 No.2/3, pp.109 - 126
Published online: 08 Oct 2008 *
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