Title: Energy and exergy utilisation in the Greek building sector
Authors: G. Xydis, C.J. Koroneos, A. Moropoulou
Addresses: Unit of Environmental Science and Technology, National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering, Zografou Campus, 15773, Athens, Greece. ' Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 483, GR 54124, Thessaloniki, Greece. ' Section of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou Campus, 15780 Athens, Greece
Abstract: In the present paper, the potential of the Greek building sector is examined using the energy and exergy analysis methodology. The building sector can play a crucial role in the efforts towards sustainable development. The building sector plays a significant role in the Greek economy as it engages more than 310,000 employees and 32,500 engineers (2003). The building sector has been one of the most rapidly developing sectors of the Greek economy in the last few years. The construction sector contributes significantly to the gross national product in 2005 (10%), notably higher when compared to 1997 (6.4%). Continuously increased energy consumption in the construction sector over the past 40 years (1961&-2001) shows that this industry remains steadily in the ascendant. The aim of the present study is to analyse the energy and exergy utilisation in the Greek building sector in order to gain awareness of the sector|s efficiency.
Keywords: energy efficiency; Greece; exergy analysis; building sector; sustainable development; sustainability.
DOI: 10.1504/IJETP.2008.020736
International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy, 2008 Vol.6 No.5/6, pp.474 - 494
Published online: 13 Oct 2008 *
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