Title: Verifying experiment for automated design of mechatronic systems using Bond-Graph modelling and simulation and genetic programming
Authors: M. Afzaal Malik, Saheeb A. Kayani
Addresses: Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Rawalpindi 46000, Pakistan. ' Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Rawalpindi 46000, Pakistan
Abstract: All modern dynamic engineering systems can be characterised as mechatronic systems. The multi-domain nature of a mechatronic system makes it difficult to model using a single modelling technique over the whole system as varying sets of system variables are required. Bond-Graphs offer an advanced object-oriented modelling and simulation technique. They are domain independent allowing straight forward and efficient model composition, classification and analysis. Bond-Graph model of the mechatronic system can be directly simulated on a digital computer using simulation software such as 20-Sim© and Modelica© graphically or manipulated mathematically to yield state equations using a simplified set of power and energy variables. The simulation scheme can be augmented to synthesise designs for mechatronic systems using genetic programming as a tool for open-ended search. This research paper presents results of an experiment conducted to verify a unified approach developed by combining Bond-Graph modelling and simulation with genetic programming for automated mechatronic system design. A comprehensive review of various aspects of the physical modelling paradigm along with the concept and development of automated design and the methodology is also included.
Keywords: automated design; unified design; bond graphs; object-oriented modelling; simulation; genetic programming; mechatronics; multi-domain systems; mechatronic system design.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2008.020952
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2008 Vol.32 No.3, pp.173 - 180
Published online: 26 Oct 2008 *
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