Title: Emergence of nanomedical devices for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer: the journey from basic science to commercialisation
Authors: Marco Curreli, Arman H. Nadershahi, Gurinder Shahi
Addresses: Department of Chemistry, University of Southern California, 840 Downey Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA. ' Alfred E. Mann Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University of Southern California, 1042 Downey Way, DRB 101, Los Angeles, CA 90089, USA. ' Global BioBusiness Initiative, c/o 4433 Young Drive, Montrose, CA 91020, USA
Abstract: Nanobiosensors and Near-Infrared Light Absorbing Nanomaterials (NIRLANs) may revolutionise the diagnosis and therapy of cancer. This paper briefly explains how nanomedical devices work and then analyses the issues involved in translating such concept devices into valuable commercial products. While oncology nanodevices have already demonstrated enormous potential in anti-cancer therapy, the benefits of these innovative medical products cannot be fully realised without safety and clinical efficacy testing, compliance with regulations, and adequate protection of intellectual property for commercialisation. While medical nanotechnology holds great promise for the diagnosis and treatment of cancers, the path to successful commercialisation poses numerous new challenges.
Keywords: nanomedicine; intellectual property; nano-oncology; nanobiosensors; technology commercialisation; medical nanotechnology; near-infrared light absorbing nanomaterials; NIRLANs; cancer detection; cancer treatment; nanomedical devices; oncology; anti-cancer therapy.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTTC.2008.021029
International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 2008 Vol.7 No.4, pp.290 - 307
Published online: 31 Oct 2008 *
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