Title: Technology, privacy and identity – a Hong Kong perspective
Authors: Ji Lian Yap, Rebecca Wong
Addresses: Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, Pok Fu Lam Road, Hong Kong. ' Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University, Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU, UK
Abstract: This article explores the concepts of privacy and identity in Hong Kong in relation to the law relating to data protection. It first considers the notions of privacy and identity in the light of Hong Kong|s socioeconomic situation and recent postcolonial heritage. It then highlights the importance of identity management and considers the distinctions and overlaps between identity management and privacy protection. With this conceptual framework in mind, the article then considers the various laws in Hong Kong pertaining to data protection, with a focus on the aspects relating to identity management. It observes that while there is some legal protection in respect of the data relating to an individual|s identity, there are other priorities which may take precedence in determining the extent of identity management under the legal system in Hong Kong. Finally, recommendations are made as to how to improve identity management within the context of data protection in Hong Kong.
Keywords: privacy protection; identity management; data protection; Hong Kong; China; pseudonymous data; anonymity; identity cards; copyright.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIPM.2008.021137
International Journal of Intellectual Property Management, 2008 Vol.2 No.3, pp.223 - 239
Published online: 05 Nov 2008 *
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