Title: Empirical analysis of logistics enterprises' cooperation
Authors: Wei Liu, Wen Wang, Wenshun Li
Addresses: Centre for Logistics Services and Transportation Management, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 200135, China. ' Mail Box 1290, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 200135, China. ' 129 People Avenue, Anyang, Henan Province 455000, China
Abstract: This paper takes an empirical study of the cooperation of small logistics companies, its consequence, motivation and interrelationship, using structural model with the analysis of primary element. Result shows that any input in or devotion to the cooperation between small logistics companies will influence each other in strategic value, economic benefits and intangible assets and equity, subsequently economic benefit from the cooperation will influence the input in or devotion to the cooperation. The variety, quantity, quality and return of input in or devotion to the cooperation have quite a lot influences on the trust on each other. In addition, we surveyed the data about logistics service innovation in a sample region, and analysed the logistics ability and the relation of cooperation aspects to innovation; the results show that cooperation and partnership can greatly promote logistics companies| ability and innovation.
Keywords: cooperation consequences; small logistics companies; structural modelling; logistics ability; service innovation; driving factors.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSOI.2008.021339
International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics, 2008 Vol.3 No.3/4, pp.271 - 282
Published online: 19 Nov 2008 *
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