Title: Competition policy and regulatory reform in Mexico
Authors: Jorge L. Velazquez-Roa
Addresses: Executive Secretary Office, The Federal Competition Commission, Av. Santa Fe 505, Col. Cruz Manca Santa Fe, C.P. 05349, Mexico, D.F.
Abstract: The interaction between the competition policy and regulatory reform has attracted the attention of specialists and policymakers in recent years. The topics covered include the interface between competition and the regulatory authorities (the division of labour and coordination mechanisms) and the antitrust enforcement experience in the regulated sectors, among others. This paper adds to the discussion by analysing the recent changes, touching upon the interface between the competition authority and the sectoral regulators in Mexico. It focuses, in particular, on the amendments derived from the 2006 reform to the competition law and their policy implications in terms of antitrust enforcement in Mexico and sets them in the international context.
Keywords: competition policy; Federal Competition Commission; CFC; regulatory reform; energy regulation; Mexico; sectoral regulators; interface; binding opinion; public policy; competition law; antitrust enforcement.
International Journal of Public Policy, 2009 Vol.4 No.1/2, pp.100 - 112
Published online: 30 Nov 2008 *
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