Title: Robust corona-electrostatic separation method for solid waste recycling
Authors: Lucian Dascalescu
Addresses: Electrostatics of Dispersed Media Research Unit, EHD Group, Laboratory of Aerodynamic Studies, University of Poitiers, France; University Institute of Technology, 4 avenue de Varsovie 16021, Angouleme Cedex, France
Abstract: The objective was to reduce variation in the outcome of a corona-electrostatic separation process for solid waste recycling by finding operating conditions (high-voltage level, roll speed, splitter position) under which uncontrollable variation in |noise factors| (ambient humidity, metal content in the feed) has minimal impact on the quantity and the quality of the recovered products. The samples of processed material were prepared from mm-size chopped electric wire wastes. The design and noise factors were first analysed using the classical Taguchi|s approach, then combined into one single experimental design, so that a regression model of the process will be fitted.
Keywords: solid wastes; electrostatic separation; corona discharge; robustness; experimental design; relative humidity; waste recycling; chopped electric wire; electric wire waste; Taguchi methods.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEWM.2008.021783
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2008 Vol.2 No.4/5, pp.423 - 435
Published online: 04 Dec 2008 *
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