Title: Developing an effective and affordable search engine marketing strategy for nonprofits
Authors: Dave McMahon, Charla Griffy-Brown
Addresses: Graziadio School of Business and Management, Pepperdine University, 6100 Center Drive, Los Angeles CA 90045, USA. ' Graziadio School of Business and Management, Pepperdine University, 6100 Center Drive, Los Angeles CA 90045, USA
Abstract: The authors propose a Search-Engine Marketing (SEM) process for nonprofit organisations that optimises organic search results. It is easy to adapt to the particular goals of different nonprofits and is within reach of nonprofits| limited personnel and financial resources. This process enables the organisation to fine-tune its web presence according to its values and the feedback from the marketplace regarding keywords and search terms that potential constituents might find useful to them. It answers the call in the literature to nonprofits for a finer-grained approach to segmentation, more specific targeting and better branding differentiation through values.
Keywords: nonprofit marketing; search engines; organic search results; search engine marketing; nonprofit online marketing; keyword generation methodology; nonprofits; internet marketing; internet advertising; segmentation; specific targeting; branding differentiation; values.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIMA.2009.021953
International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 2009 Vol.5 No.1/2, pp.113 - 130
Published online: 11 Dec 2008 *
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