Title: Wind power smoothing using rotor inertia aimed at reducing grid susceptibility
Authors: Asghar Abedini, Goran Mandic, Adel Nasiri
Addresses: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Power Electronics and Motor Drives Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI 53201-0784, USA. ' Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Power Electronics and Motor Drives Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI 53201-0784, USA. ' Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Power Electronics and Motor Drives Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI 53201-0784, USA
Abstract: Due to wind speed variations, the output power of wind turbines fluctuates. These power fluctuations make the wind power undispatchable. Furthermore, they can cause frequency deviations and power outage particularly when wind power penetration is significant. This paper presents a novel control method to mitigate the power fluctuations using the rotor inertia as an energy storage component. Therefore, the additional energy storage system is not required. The proposed method is also modified to obtain better energy capturing efficiency. The method is analysed using mathematical and physical characteristics of the system. The efficiency of the algorithm is evaluated based on obtained equations. The energy extracting capability using this method is comparable with other methods such as maximum power extraction (MPE) algorithm. Simulation results for various cases are performed on a permanent magnet synchronous generator that verifies theoretical analysis.
Keywords: permanent magnet generator; wind energy; energy storage; power smoothing; rotor inertia; wind power; power fluctuations.
DOI: 10.1504/IJPELEC.2008.022352
International Journal of Power Electronics, 2008 Vol.1 No.2, pp.227 - 247
Published online: 02 Jan 2009 *
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