Title: An exploratory investigation of sport management students' attraction to sport jobs
Authors: Samuel Y. Todd, Damon P.S. Andrew
Addresses: Georgia Southern University, P.O. Box 8077, Hollis Building 1124, Statesboro, GA 30460-8077, USA. ' College of Health and Human Services, Troy University, 50 Collegeview, Troy, AL 36082, USA
Abstract: This study was designed to explore the determinants of sport management students|attraction to jobs in sport. The sample was composed of 231 registrants from 27 schools in 13 states in US who attended a sport management conference for professional development. The results of this study suggest that job seekers were largely attracted to jobs in sport because they perceived a good fit between their preferences for future work and the sport environment. The results also suggest that this perception of fit with the environment was based upon (a) interests in sport and (b) assessment of industry prestige. Other antecedents were also explored but were not statistically significant. Findings are discussed in light of theoretical explanations and future research recommendations are given.
Keywords: person-organisation fit; person-environment fit; organisational prestige; industry prestige; realistic job previews; applicant attraction; sport management students; sports jobs; job seekers; USA; United States; industry prestige; sports interest; future employment.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSMM.2008.022374
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2008 Vol.4 No.4, pp.323 - 337
Published online: 02 Jan 2009 *
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