Title: Strategic response by Indian internet entrepreneurs to dotcom boom and bust: an exploratory study
Authors: M. Akbar
Addresses: Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, Lucknow, India
Abstract: The lack of studies in the literature on internet entrepreneurs in India, an emerging market, inspired this study. The study covered the period of boom of 1998–1999 and the period of bust in 2000–2001 and was conducted from April–August 2003, with a sample of 91 responses. The survey method was used mainly to understand the patterns in the profiles of the Indian internet entrepreneurs, their motivations, business models, strategies, financing patterns and performance. Based on the empirical data, conclusions and implications are drawn. The results are contrary to the common belief that Indian internet entrepreneurs also rushed to start businesses spearheaded by novice college graduates. Although the impact of boom and bust has influenced the rates of business start-ups and closures, the majority of the entrepreneurs were found to be seasoned and experienced professionals whose business models remained stable and strategies flexible with reasonably focused business domains in spite of the recession.
Keywords: e-commerce; emerging markets; internet entrepreneurs; India; knowledge-based service economy; electronic commerce; dotcom entrepreneurs; entrepreneurship; recession.
DOI: 10.1504/JIBED.2009.022528
Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 2009 Vol.4 No.1/2, pp.45 - 61
Published online: 14 Jan 2009 *
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