Title: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters: current revival of a time-honoured institution
Authors: Ole Didrik Laerum, Kim Gunnar Helsvig, Reidun Sirevag
Addresses: Department of Pathology, The Gade Institute, Haukeland University Hospital, N-5021 Bergen, Norway. ' Institute of Archeology, Conservation and Historical Studies, University of Oslo, Blindern, 3 Oslo. ' Department of Molecular Biosciences, University of Oslo, Blindern, 3 Oslo
Abstract: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, founded in 1857, is a non-governmental, nation-wide, and interdisciplinary body which embraces all fields of learning. Its main purpose is to support the advancement of science and scholarship in Norway. In addition to organising academy meetings, national and international symposia, the academy has been given the responsibility for conferring prestigious international scientific prizes. Local and global challenges and the position of a traditional academy in a small country, situated in a strategically important, but remote part of Europe, are discussed. Through its memberships in various international scientific organisations, the academy plays an increasing national role in the promotion of international scientific relations.
Keywords: scientific academies; Norway; history of science; research policy; Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters; international scientific relations.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2009 Vol.46 No.1/2, pp.27 - 37
Published online: 25 Jan 2009 *
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