Title: Communicating the public understanding of science: the Royal Society website
Authors: Jonathan P. Bowen, Ann Borda
Addresses: Museophile Limited, Oak Barn, Sonning Eye, Reading, Oxon RG4 6TN, UK. ' VeRSI, P.O. Box 4200, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3052, Australia
Abstract: The Royal Society is widely considered to be the foremost UK scientific society and a leading scientific institution internationally. Like all modern organisations, it has been developing its website to meet the increasingly sophisticated demands of its users, from the public to its members. This paper surveys the development of the website from its simple initial offering to the dynamic resource available today, from a public viewpoint. This progress has been rapid over a decade for a 300-year old institution. The services are considered in the context of the ||public understanding of science||, an important remit of the Society.
Keywords: public understanding of science; websites; world wide web; education; Royal Society; scientific societies; dynamic resources; internet.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2009 Vol.46 No.1/2, pp.146 - 164
Published online: 25 Jan 2009 *
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