Title: Characterising the topography of a micro-grinding wheel
Authors: Hyung Wook Park, Steven Y. Liang, Jae-Woong Youn
Addresses: School of Mechanical and Advanced Materials Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea. ' George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA. ' School of Automotive, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering, Daegu University, Korea
Abstract: In this study, the direct method based on the polishing for obtaining micro-grinding wheel topography was proposed and compared with the optical method. The proposed method provides fine details for the size of grits and the diameters of micro-grinding. The size distribution and profile of the grits were also obtained using the direct method. It was also found that a new method for characterisation of microscale grinding wheels, referred to as the direct method, is more effective to obtain the size distribution of grits and the static and dynamic cutting density of micro-grinding wheels in comparison to the optical method. [Received 2 January 2008; Revised 23 April 2008; Accepted 3 June 2008]
Keywords: microgrinding wheels; microscale grinding wheels; topography; optical method; cutting edge density; polishing; micromanufacturing; micromachining; size distribution; grit size; grits.
International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 2009 Vol.4 No.1, pp.1 - 16
Published online: 25 Jan 2009 *
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