Title: The design and development of a virtual laboratory for power system modelling and load flow analysis to promote innovative learning
Authors: M.K.S. Sastry, Riaz Ali
Addresses: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of West Indies, West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago. ' Industrial Plant Services Limited, Caspian Drive, Point Lisas Industrial Estate, West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
Abstract: Web-enabled applications in electrical engineering education are gaining prominence. The modelling and analysis of electrical power systems involve complex matrix manipulations and iterative techniques. Quite often, students complain about the complexity of power system courses. This paper presents the design and evelopment of a typical virtual environment for power system modelling and load flow analysis. With its innovative design and self-configurable features, this system provides greater flexibility for teachers to create challenging problems with different combinations. The details of the application environment and implementation are illustrated and its impact on the learning process is outlined.
Keywords: web-enabled applications; online learning tools; power systems; load flow analysis; virtual laboratory; power system modelling; e-learning; electronic learning; internet; electrical engineering education.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2009 Vol.6 No.2, pp.178 - 191
Published online: 27 Jan 2009 *
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