Title: Memorandum on a novel IAHE conception of a hydrogen civilisation of the future: historical aspects and the new challenges of the present day
Authors: Victor A. Goltsov
Addresses: Donetsk National Technical University 58 Artyom Street, Donetsk 83000, Ukraine
Abstract: This memorandum states: We, scientists, engineers, experts, industrialists – representatives of 28 countries, participants of the 5th International IAHE Conference |Hydrogen Economy and Hydrogen Treatment of Materials, HTM-2007| (21–25 May 2007, Donetsk, Ukraine), representatives of the older and younger generations of the World Hydrogen Movement, taking into account that: the global energy and environment problems caused by fossil fuels continue to grow; fossil fuel resources are limited and Hubbert|s peak will be reached in the near future; and the world scientific and cultural community is separated and consider the problems above from different (sometimes antithetical) viewpoints – and being active members of the World Hydrogen Movement and wishing to be of assistance in consolidating the world scientific and cultural community to successfully solve the problems above, discussed and adopted this full-scale memorandum on historical IAHE activities and the IAHE prognosis of the future humankind transition to the era of hydrogen civilisation and call on the world community to concentrate attention and activity on some new challenges of the present day.
Keywords: hydrogen energy; hydrogen civilisation; hydrogen movement; hydrogen economy; hydrogen treatment; materials treatment.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNHPA.2008.023109
International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications, 2008 Vol.1 No.4, pp.272 - 277
Published online: 09 Feb 2009 *
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