Title: Dressing of CBN grinding wheels with ultrasonic assistance
Authors: Taghi Tawakoli, Abdolreza Rasifard, Bahman Azarhoushang
Addresses: Institute of Grinding and Precision Technology, KSF, Hochschule Furtwangen University, Villingen-Schwenningen 78054, Germany. ' Institute of Grinding and Precision Technology, KSF, Hochschule Furtwangen University, Villingen-Schwenningen 78054, Germany. ' Institute of Grinding and Precision Technology, KSF, Hochschule Furtwangen University, Villingen-Schwenningen 78054, Germany
Abstract: Though ultrasonic assistance has been successfully used for a long time in different machining processes, the use of its positive effects in dressing of superabrasives grinding tools is rather new, which could have drawn the attention of researchers in the last decade. In ultrasonic-assisted dressing, high-frequency and low-amplitude vibrations are superimposed on the movement of dressing or grinding tool. The experimental investigation carried out at the KSF Institute showed that applying ultrasonic vibration to both a stationary diamond dressing tool and a point crushing roll reduces the grinding forces, causing a reduction of the heat generated at the grinding zone.
Keywords: diamond; cubic boron nitride; ultrasonic machining; ultrasonic-assisted dressing; CBN grinding wheels; superabrasives; ultrasonic vibration; grinding forces.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMMS.2008.023222
International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, 2008 Vol.1 No.4, pp.321 - 331
Published online: 14 Feb 2009 *
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