Title: An integrated approach to design and analysis of lean manufacturing system: a perspective of lean supply chain
Authors: Mallika Parveen, T.V.V.L.N. Rao
Addresses: BITS, Pilani-Dubai, International Academic City, Post Box No. 500022, Dubai, UAE. ' Mechanical Engineering Group, BITS Pilani, India
Abstract: The objective of this research is to provide an integrated approach to the design and analysis of lean manufacturing system from the perspective of lean supply chain. The research focuses on four key dimensions: 1 pricing, investment and order quantity decisions; 2 Just-in-Time (JIT) integrated inventory with investments; 3 optimal cycle length and number of inspections in deteriorating production processes with investments; 4 optimal batch size in a single-stage and optimal number of kanbans in a multistage JIT production-delivery system with rework consideration. The goal of this research is to provide insights to organisations that are designing lean supply chains. It provides a framework for using an integrated approach to the analysis of lean supply chains. The research findings indicate the need for an integrated approach to the lean manufacturing system in order to achieve total leanness along the supply chain to gain significant competitive advantages.
Keywords: lean manufacturing; lean supply chains; pricing; just-in-time; JIT; integrated inventory; set-up costs; quality improvement; lead time reduction; rework; kanban; supply chain management; SCM; supply chain design.
DOI: 10.1504/IJSOM.2009.023232
International Journal of Services and Operations Management, 2009 Vol.5 No.2, pp.175 - 208
Published online: 15 Feb 2009 *
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