Title: Building a sense of community through sport programming and special events: the role of sport marketing in contributing to social capital
Authors: Eric C. Schwarz
Addresses: Department of Sport Business and International Tourism, Saint Leo University, P.O. Box 6665/MC2067, Saint Leo, Florida 33574, USA
Abstract: The role of sport marketing in contributing to social capital is derived from the historical relationship of marketing methods and the social sciences. Examples can be found in psychology (attitudes, consumer behaviour, motivation, participation levels, perceived value, perceptions, satisfaction levels), sociology (ethics and morals, ethnicity, gender equity, globalisation, performance enhancement, politics, race, social class and setting, violence and deviance), economics (accounting, asset markets, consumption levels, investments in sport products, labour equilibrium, pricing) and anthropology (cultural identity, ethnography, history of sport, human development and movement, rituals). In addition, market research validates most of these activities and the advertising of sport is related to many of the creative arts. The goal of this paper is to take a look at how marketing seems, in most cases, to have moved away from the social sciences into the business realm by bringing awareness to the historical relationship by articulating the role sport marketing plays in contributing to the social psychological concepts of |social capital| and |sense of community|.
Keywords: social capital; sense of community; sport marketing; social sciences; sport programming; special events; social psychology; sports.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2009.023364
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 2009 Vol.7 No.4, pp.478 - 487
Published online: 20 Feb 2009 *
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