Title: Proposed offshore wind farm consents process in the UK: some considerations
Authors: E.J.K. Dower, A.P. Jenkins, P.A.F. Smith
Addresses: Oakwood Environmental Ltd, The Limes, Combe Lane, Wormley, Surrey, GU8 5SX, UK. Oakwood Environmental Ltd, The Limes, Combe Lane, Wormley, Surrey, GU8 5SX, UK. Oakwood Environmental Ltd, The Limes, Combe Lane, Wormley, Surrey, GU8 5SX, UK
Abstract: The objectives of the study were to define the full details of the consenting process for offshore wind farms in territorial waters (in England and Wales) and to develop guidance aimed primarily at developers outlining the consenting process in its entirety. Conclusions included: the formalisation of available routes to consents for developers; the formalisation of the requirement for a DTI Offshore Renewables Consents Unit providing a single point of contact for developers and government departments, helping to streamline the consents process; identification of tasks for and interrelationships of all consenting authorities and information needs for developers; the publishing and circulation of draft guidance notes by the DTI to other government departments and industry members for consultation in November 2001.
Keywords: UK legislation; wind power; energy regulation.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESD.2002.002358
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 2002 Vol.1 No.4, pp.380-396
Published online: 16 Jul 2003 *
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