Title: Customer relationship management in Taiwan's banking industry
Authors: Cho-Pu Lin, Yann-Haur Huang, Chien-Ting Chen
Addresses: Northwestern Polytechnic University, Fremont City, CA 95439, USA. ' Northwestern Polytechnic University, Fremont City, CA 95439, USA. ' Fortune Institute of Technology College, Kaohsiung County, Taiwan, Republic of China
Abstract: The research done with the present study has uncovered a number of factors which can be used to guide companies for a successful CRM implementation. These factors include discovering customers| needs, keeping employee|s longevity, maintaining employee|s morale, conducting a decision-support system, customising CRM functions/modules and empowering employees with decision-making. If the major goal of implementing a CRM system is to improve customer satisfaction, the management in Taiwan|s banking industry should then emphasise three of these factors: conducting a decision-support system, discovering customer|s needs and customising CRM functions/modules.
Keywords: customer relationship management; CRM implementation; Taiwan; banking industry; business strategies; enterprise information systems; decision support systems; DSS; decision making; information technology; customer needs; employee retention; employee morale; CRM customisation; employee empowerment; customer satisfaction; Taiwanese banks.
DOI: 10.1504/IJMDM.2009.023914
International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 2009 Vol.10 No.1/2, pp.53 - 68
Published online: 18 Mar 2009 *
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