Title: The effect of phase matching factor on four wave mixing in optical communication systems: fuzzy and analytical analysis
Authors: Amarpal Singh, Ajay K. Sharma, T.S. Kamal
Addresses: Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Beant College of Engineering and Technology, Gurdaspur, Punjab, India. ' Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, India. ' Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Doaba Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kharar, Punjab, India
Abstract: In this paper, a modified analysis of Four Wave Mixing (FWM) by incorporating the third-order dispersion parameters is reported. With the help of a modified formula for FWM crosstalk, the effect of second- and third-order dispersion parameters at different input channel powers has been analysed. Under the combined effect of second- and third-order dispersion parameters, the crosstalk introduced by FWM is reduced. Further, we propose a fuzzy-based approach using Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) to calculate FWM power by varying input channel powers at different intensity-dependent phase-matching factors, and observed that the results are very similar to analytical results.
Keywords: FWM crosstalk; four-wave mixing; dispersion; channel spacing; adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system; ANFIS; adaptive networks; phase matching; optical communications; neural networks; fuzzy logic.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCAT.2009.023938
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2009 Vol.34 No.3, pp.165 - 171
Published online: 21 Mar 2009 *
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