Title: An overview of listing Indian companies on the US securities market
Authors: Ritankar Sahu, Tanay Kumar Nandi, Priyadarshi Banerjee
Addresses: National Law University, Jodhpur, India. ' National Law University, Jodhpur, India. ' National Law University, Jodhpur, India
Abstract: The US securities market offer companies one of the richest sources of capital in the world as a result of their size, credibility and pool of enthusiastic investors. However, taking a company through a public offering on the US securities market is a major undertaking and presents complex challenges to companies seeking access to this capital. By listing on the US securities market, companies have an enormous opportunity to show that they are among the best-run companies in the world. This paper deals with the various aspects of listing for Indian companies on the US securities market and an analysis of the roles played by the various actors in the process.
Keywords: US securities market; public offering; listing; depository banks; Indian companies; India; USA; United States.
DOI: 10.1504/IJLSE.2009.023991
International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry, 2009 Vol.2 No.2, pp.219 - 232
Published online: 22 Mar 2009 *
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