Title: Real-time audio-visual composition: Mugenkei as a Live Dream
Authors: Wilfried Jentzsch, Jean Detheux
Addresses: Pastor-Lupschen-Str. 54, Duren D-52351, Germany. ' Pastor-Lupschen-Str. 54, Duren D-52351, Germany
Abstract: As the finale of the DigArt Symposium, Jean Detheux (images) and myself (music) have presented the performance Mugenkei as a Live Dream. This consisted of an improvised visual music where images and music have been produced in real-time. This article will review the performance from the viewpoint of the relationship between images and music.
Keywords: audiovisual performance; real time images; real time music; improvised visual music; audiovisual composition.
DOI: 10.1504/IJART.2009.024062
International Journal of Arts and Technology, 2009 Vol.2 No.1/2, pp.129 - 132
Published online: 24 Mar 2009 *
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