Title: Managing clinical knowledge among hospital nurses
Authors: Biswadip Ghosh, Judy E. Scott
Addresses: Metropolitan State College of Denver, Denver, Colorado 80217, USA. ' University of Colorado Denver, Colorado 80217, USA
Abstract: Knowledge Management (KM) tools and processes, while established in many industries, are relatively new to healthcare. Healthcare organisations resemble virtual organisations that build flexible and dynamic care networks of multiple medical providers and professionals to address a patient|s needs. This research studies the major factors impacting clinical KM strategy and processes in the floor nursing function in a large metropolitan area hospital. Empirical data has been collected and analysed to understand what infrastructure enablers and process capabilities are important contributors to KM effectiveness in floor nursing. The results indicate that technology can play a pivotal role in KM initiatives among nurses, provided it supports the processes involved with knowledge acquisition and application in solving new problems. The findings have implications for the selection, deployment and management of Information Technology (IT) to enable clinical KM.
Keywords: clinical knowledge; knowledge management; hospital nurses; healthcare; infrastructure enablers; process capabilities; technology management; nursing; information technology.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2009 Vol.47 No.1/2/3, pp.57 - 74
Published online: 26 Mar 2009 *
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