Title: Achieving knowledge management integration through EAI: a case study from healthcare sector
Authors: Marinos Themistocleous, Vasiliki Mantzana, Vincenzo Morabito
Addresses: Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece. ' Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Greece. ' Vincenzo Morabito, Bocconi University and SDA Bocconi School of Management, Roentgen Street 20136 Milan (MI), Italy
Abstract: Healthcare Information Systems (IS) non-integrated nature is associated with inefficient data and knowledge exchange and reduction in healthcare care services| quality. Therefore, numerous medical errors occur that impact healthcare services. Healthcare organisations have used Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) to integrate IS. Literature indicates that EAI achieves integration at four layers namely: connectivity, transportation, transformation and process integration. We suggest that among others, EAI achieves Knowledge integration and propose a Revised Model for Integration Layers (REAL), tested through a case study. The results indicate that cases leading to medical errors and wrong prescription can be prevented by integrating knowledge through EAI.
Keywords: knowledge management; EAI; enterprise application integration; healthcare organisations; information systems; information integration; knowledge integration.
International Journal of Technology Management, 2009 Vol.47 No.1/2/3, pp.114 - 126
Published online: 26 Mar 2009 *
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