Title: Is 'strategy' always strategy for police intelligence and analysis in Norway
Authors: Petter Gottschalk, Jan Terje Karlsen
Addresses: Norwegian School of Management, Nydalsveien 17, 0442 Oslo, Norway. ' Norwegian School of Management, Nydalsveien 17, 0442 Oslo, Norway
Abstract: |Strategy| is a label frequently applied to a wide variety of activities, thoughts, initiatives and documents in industry and government. Not all documents labelled |strategy| are strategy in the sense of the common strategy construct. Too many documents seem to misuse this label to attract attention. This paper reports from early research into the evaluation of documents claiming to be strategies. Much future research is needed in terms of the strategy construct, characteristics and requirements, as well as a relevant content analysis of strategy documents.
Keywords: business strategy; content analysis; goals; analyses; strategy actions; innovation; learning; exploratory study; police intelligence; Norway; law enforcement; intelligence-led policing; policing strategy.
International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 2009 Vol.6 No.4, pp.438 - 447
Published online: 27 Mar 2009 *
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