Title: Important factors for project performance in collaborative product development: a survey investigating contextual settings
Authors: Sofi Elfving
Addresses: Department of Innovation, Design, and Product Development, Malardalen University, PO Box 325, SE-631 05 Eskilstuna, Sweden
Abstract: Although much research has focused on cross-functionality in product development, few studies focus on the contextual setting of the collaborative product development project. This article presents the results from a survey. The survey aims to identify the relationships between project performance and different factors when the contextual setting varies. The studied projects involved different functions: suppliers, partners, maintenance, etc. Three contextual settings were explored, including internal product development, integrated product development and distributed product development. Six factors were found to have strong correlation with project performance. Measurability of requirements, shared visions and goals for the project team, and the decision-making process were highly correlated with project performance. Several of the factors correlated strongly with the project performance in distributed product development. The relationships are presented in a system model. This article in particular, shows the importance of decision-making among actors in a distributed context.
Keywords: collaborative product development; project management; survey; system modelling; decision making; contextual setting; interface; tools; methods; collaboration; project performance.
International Journal of Product Development, 2009 Vol.8 No.2, pp.193 - 210
Published online: 28 Mar 2009 *
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