Title: On the application of Wiebe functions to simulate normal and knocking spark-ignition combustion
Authors: Jonathan M. Borg, Alex C. Alkidas
Addresses: Research and Development, Hitachi Europe GmbH, Lohstr. 28, 85445 Schwaig-Oberding, Germany. ' Mechanical Engineering Department, Oakland University, Rochester Michigan 48309 4478, USA
Abstract: Employing a Wiebe function is a very convenient method to simulate fuel burning in internal combustion engines. The present study examines the various forms of the Wiebe functions and presents a methodology which optimises the Wiebe parameters for simultaneously best fit of the cumulative heat release and the rate of heat release histories. The accuracy of the results of the Wiebe function when solving for two parameters and for four parameters is compared; the former is done in closed form, whereas the latter is done by using an optimisation routine. The latter methodology was applied for the simulation of combustion in spark-ignition engines under normal and knocking conditions. For the knocking cycles, a linear weighted combination of two Wiebe functions, one enabling the modelling of the flame-propagation combustion and the other that of the autoignition combustion was found to give excellent results.
Keywords: knocking cycles; autoignition modelling; simulation; spark ignition combustion; spark ignition engines; Wiebe functions; heat release; flame propagation.
International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2009 Vol.49 No.1/2/3, pp.52 - 69
Published online: 30 Mar 2009 *
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