Title: The potential of internet-based business-to-business electronic commerce for a ''technology follower'': the case of the South African apparel sector
Authors: Sagren Moodley
Addresses: School of Development Studies, University of Natal, Durban 4041, Republic of South Africa
Abstract: Business-to-Business (B2B) electronic commerce technologies are becoming increasingly important for South African (SA) apparel producers as they are integrated into global value chains and exposed to the demands of more sophisticated markets. For the SA apparel sector, B2B e-commerce represents an opportunity not only to connect with global markets but also to catch up and remain at the frontier of ||world class|| competitiveness. Despite strong theoretical arguments suggesting that B2B e-commerce has much to offer the SA apparel industry, the empirical evidence emanating from a survey of the apparel manufacturing and retail sectors would seem to suggest that e-commerce is still in its infancy. However, there is potential for growth. The paper suggests a raft of policy measures designed to create an enabling and nurturing environment aimed at promoting and accelerating the diffusion of B2B e-commerce technologies in the SA apparel sector.
Keywords: electronic commerce; inter-firm e-commerce; apparel sector; South Africa; corporate internet use.
DOI: 10.1504/IJIEM.2003.002442
International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management, 2003 Vol.1 No.1, pp.75-95
Published online: 17 Jul 2003 *
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