Title: A multimodal public transport planning guidance for sustainable transport in developing countries
Authors: Erika Buchari
Addresses: Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Sriwijaya University, Jl.Raya Inderalaya, Prabumulih. Km 32, Inderalaya, South Sumatera, Indonesia
Abstract: Many chaotic public transport systems in developing countries remain unchanged. The question is why we do not have faith in changing the system of public transport in terms of services and performance? Because many local governments think that modern system of public transport is difficult to start with, or it needs much money that they could not afford to support, or, as usual – it is no need to hurry up changing the system. This concept is misleading. In fact if the guidance to improve the public transport system is available then sustainable transport can be achieved and unnecessary expenses caused by pollution and deteriorating city can be avoided. Sustainable transport can be achieved by reducing fuel used for transportation for example reduce car use and switch to public transport use, decrease the excessive public transport to the efficient and effective public transport, switch unimodal to multimodal public transport system. Many examples can be adapted, but they still need adjustment, which might take longer than previously doing the complete survey. Therefore, it is desirable to write guidance for the initiative of establishing the multimodal public transport (MMPT) system.
Keywords: multimodal transportation; public transport; MMPT guidance; smart cards; sustainable development; sustainable transport; sustainability; transport planning; developing countries; transport policy.
DOI: 10.1504/IJESD.2009.024631
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 2009 Vol.8 No.3/4, pp.263 - 285
Published online: 13 Apr 2009 *
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