Title: Construction and demolition waste processing in Athens, Greece: a pilot demonstration
Authors: Miltos Zygouras, Avraam Karagiannidis, Apostolos Malamakis
Addresses: Bilfinger Berger Umwelt Hellas SA, 12 km National Road Thessaloniki-Moudania, P.O. Box 60671, GR-57001 Thessaloniki, Greece. ' Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 483, GR-54124, Thessaloniki, Greece. ' Laboratory of Heat Transfer and Environmental Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 483, GR-54124, Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstract: Construction and Demolition Wastes (CDWs) constitute a waste fraction, which is quantitatively at least as high as municipal solid waste in Greece and other countries. This paper presents the current situation on CDW management in Greece and focuses on the results from the operation of a pilot processing plant. CDW was collected from construction crews at several demolition sites, which included: the demolition of old residential buildings damaged due to an earthquake in September 1999 in Northwest Attica; the construction of 1000 new residential buildings. The operation of the plant is described and an analysis of its operation is provided.
Keywords: CDW; construction waste; demolition waste; recycling; solid waste; waste management; Greece; waste processing; construction industry.
DOI: 10.1504/IJEWM.2009.024707
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, 2009 Vol.3 No.1/2, pp.177 - 192
Published online: 15 Apr 2009 *
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