Title: Enhancing managerial competencies through a wiki-learning space
Authors: Gianluca Elia, Alessandro Margherita, Cesare Taurino
Addresses: e-Business Management Section (e-BMS) of the Scuola Superiore ISUFI, University of Salento, Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy. ' e-Business Management Section (e-BMS) of the Scuola Superiore ISUFI, University of Salento, Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy. ' e-Business Management Section (e-BMS) of the Scuola Superiore ISUFI, University of Salento, Monteroni, 73100 Lecce, Italy
Abstract: The centrality of knowledge and a reduced shelf-life of competencies raise the importance of bringing innovation in life-long learning and human capital development processes, above all in terms of people collaboration and interaction. The evolving paradigm of web 2.0, along with the rise of social networks and virtual communities, provides an opportunity to create |places| where people learn together and share in action their experiences. This article illustrates the design of a prototypal web application which integrates web 2.0 tools to support a case-based and a project-based learning strategy. The |wiki-learning| space developed aims to facilitate a community of participants in the acquisition of managerial competencies in master, doctoral and corporate learning initiatives. The main design requirements and learning approach are described, together with illustrative scenarios to clarify how the community and learning lifecycle is developed through the |wiki-learning| technology platform.
Keywords: blogs; weblogs; case-based learning; just-in-time learning; JIT learning; life-long learning; managerial competencies; organisational learning; project-based learning; social computing; web 2.0; wikis; human capital; innovation; collaboration; interaction; wiki learning.
DOI: 10.1504/IJCEELL.2009.025025
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning, 2009 Vol.19 No.2/3, pp.166 - 178
Published online: 10 May 2009 *
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