Title: Matching regulatory arrangements with public values in the provision of energy and telecommunications: one view
Authors: Douglas N. Jones
Addresses: The John Glenn School of Public Affairs, The Ohio State University, Page Hall, 1810 College Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA
Abstract: The staying power of certain public values underpinning public policy in the provision of utility infrastructure is remarkably strong. A list of (nine) Public Values is offered (e.g., universal service, affordability) that has varied little in the past 100 years in the USA. To accommodate these named public values policymakers in the utility field have an array of Institutional Arrangements to choose from (e.g., public ownership, market competition). Five major ones are identified. The thrust of this paper is to see how far each of the Arrangements is likely to satisfy each Public Value.
Keywords: utility regulation; privatisation; public utilities; commission regulation; public ownership; incentive regulation; market competition; public values.
International Journal of Public Policy, 2009 Vol.4 No.5, pp.435 - 448
Published online: 12 May 2009 *
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