Title: Innovative governance and strengthening national competitiveness in Finland
Authors: Sang-Chul Park
Addresses: Graduate School of Knowledge-based Technology and Energy, Korea Polytechnic University, 2121, Jeongwang-Dong, Siheung-Si, Gyeonggi-Do, 429-793, Korea
Abstract: A new economic order based on globalisation and localisation processes has changed the fundamental economic systems. This resulted in a severe recession in the mid 1990s in Finland. In order to overcome the economic recession, the government and industry began to emphasise technology and innovation as the basis of economic growth in the future. Finland initiated a new approach based on endogenous and generative growth that replaced the traditional re-distributive approach. This is a new paradigm for national and regional economic growth based on knowledge economics.
Keywords: governance; innovation systems; Finland; national competitiveness; regional competitiveness; innovative actors; collaboration; endogenous growth; generative growth; economic recession; economic growth; public policy; technology; knowledge economics.
International Journal of Public Policy, 2009 Vol.4 No.6, pp.495 - 515
Published online: 18 May 2009 *
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