Title: Changing patterns of Japanese participation in US industries
Authors: Bela Gold
Addresses: Fletcher Jones Professor of Technology and Management, The Claremont Graduate School, Claremont, California 91711, USA.
Abstract: This paper reports the findings from twelve National Science Foundation-supported field studies of the significantly changing strategies and policies of Japanese manufacturing firms between successive stages of seeking to increase their competitiveness in various industries in the USA. The analysis covers changes over time, as well as differences among the participants, in ownership patterns, products and marketing, as well as adjustments over time in: production facilities; practices in developing American as compared with Japanese executives and engineers; policies concerning relationships between management and labour; and efforts to strengthen relationships with customers.
Keywords: industrial competitiveness; Japanese management practices; productivity; product quality; labour development; marketing practices; USA; United States; Japanese manufacturing; Japan; ownership patterns; marketing; customer relations.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1996 Vol.12 No.5/6, pp.501 - 509
Published online: 22 May 2009 *
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