Title: New dimensions in organizing industrial networks
Authors: Stig Larsson
Addresses: School of Economics and Commercial Law, Gothenburg University, Vasagatan 3, S-411 24 Goteborg, Sweden
Abstract: Inter-organizational linkage of industrial firms is becoming more common as industrial buyers demand a higher degree of supplier participation in their production processes. These network organizations are basically a phenomenon in the transition from one industrial era to another, with a consequent reformulation of the relationship between firms and their environments. New kinds of firms will appear on the scene, and established industrial firms will take up new strategic positions in the value-adding chain.
Keywords: buyer-seller interactions; inter-firm collaboration; sub-contracting systems; strategic alliances; coordinated contracting; organisational structure; product development; industrial networks; supplier participation; value added; value chain.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1993 Vol.8 No.1/2, pp.39 - 58
Published online: 24 May 2009 *
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