Title: Technology management in a dual world
Authors: Wang Huijiong
Addresses: Vice President, Academic Committee, Development Research Centre of the State Council, People's Republic of China
Abstract: This paper has identified two types of technology management: macro and micro. A relatively detailed discussion of macro technology management was given using China|s experience as a case study. But only a very brief discussion of micro technology management was provided, reflecting its relatively stagnant development. A concrete example of its needs and potentials was provided. The point was emphasized that the shortcoming in micro technology management also affects the improvement of macro technology management as a form of duality. The world and nature are characterized by dualities. Whether the nature of the dual world can be clearly recognized and whether it can be handled properly determines how effectively a nation or an enterprise can compete in the real world in which technology has become one of the decisive factors in the promotion of the economic development.
Keywords: technology management; national economic development; China; national policies; science and technology planning.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1993 Vol.8 No.1/2, pp.108 - 120
Published online: 24 May 2009 *
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