Title: Managing the manufacturing technology transfer process: experience of UK-based firms
Authors: Michael Pohlen
Addresses: Department of Business Administration, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716, USA
Abstract: This paper investigates the factors which contribute to the success of manufacturing technology transfer projects. Such projects may involve the acquisition of a new technology from outside the firm or the move of an existing technology within the company. Unlike more traditional technology transfer investigations, which tend to focus on how the new but proven technology such as MRP or CAD/CAM is introduced into an existing organization, this study looks at situations in which less is known about the technology to be transferred and which may also involve a move across political or cultural boundaries. A number of such manufacturing technology transfers originating or terminating in the United Kingdom were studied using an informally structured interview method with individuals who were responsible for implementing the transfer. Information was sought on why the transfer was initiated, how the project was planned and organized, how it was conducted, and how well the project actually achieved the objectives established for it. There were some major differences in both how the respondents evaluated the success of their projects and how they were managed. These lead to some observations as to how such projects should be planned and managed. Two major conclusions emerge: the need for more effective coordination between sending and receiving organization and the need for a more effective oversight function to audit and, if necessary, redirect the project as it unfolds.
Keywords: manufacturing technology; change management; technology management; technology transfer; United Kingdom; UK; coordination; oversight.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1993 Vol.8 No.3/4/5, pp.230 - 235
Published online: 24 May 2009 *
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