Title: University-industry cooperation: a framework for dialogue
Authors: James D. Burrington
Addresses: BP America, Warrensville Research and Environmental Sciences Center, 4440 Warrensville Center Road, Cleveland, OH 44128, USA
Abstract: Academia and industry are interdependent enterprises with a critical need to form research alliances. The cultivation of peer relationships among scientists with common interests is key to the establishment of meaningful and lasting relationships. Identification of expectations should occur early in the process and provide the driving force for the definition of specific terms, such as indirect costs, use of unrestricted funds, intellectual property rights, the type of research program, and the measurement of success. Open-mindedness in the negotiation of these terms is important to arrive at an appropriate mechanism designed to achieve expectations.
Keywords: university-industry relationships; industry-sponsored university research; research consortia; technology transfer; industrial collaboration.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1993 Vol.8 No.6/7/8, pp.440 - 446
Published online: 24 May 2009 *
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