Title: Problems and policies for transitional economies
Authors: Arshad M. Khan
Addresses: Technology Policy Group, Norsk Regnesentral, Post Boks 114, N-0314 Oslo 3, Norway
Abstract: This paper focuses on problems encountered by transitional economies in continued development. It discusses long waves, ascribed by some theoreticians as an explanation for the structural difficulties faced by post-industrial economies. It considers specific recent responses and their uncertainty of success. It then examines Porter|s prescriptive model of country competitiveness. Relying on home-based internationally competitive firms, the model is found to be unconvincing in the face of mounting evidence of economic and corporate globalization, and also not quite applicable to transitional economies. Instead, a cooperative strategy developing an attractive business environment and providing locational corporate advantage for all firms, home and foreign-based, appears more defensible.
Keywords: technology policy; economic development; regional analysis; international linkages; transition economies; resource-based economies; long waves; Kondratieff cycles; Kuznets cycles; competitiveness; globalisation; cooperation.
International Journal of Technology Management, 1993 Vol.8 No.6/7/8, pp.513 - 526
Published online: 24 May 2009 *
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